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102228 | GERMANY & RUSSIA. General Paul von Hindenburg silver Medal.
102438 | GERMANY. Generalfeldmarschall von Mackensen silver Medal.
103022 | GERMANY. Prisoners of War oval uniface cast bronze Medal.
103037 | GERMANY & MONTENEGRO. Nikola's Daughters of Fate cast iron Medal.
101965 | UNITED STATES & FRANCE. Sinking of the "Lusitania" Bronze Medal.
102562 | GERMANY & GREAT BRITAIN. Sinking of the Courageous cast iron Medal.
102563 | GERMANY. Alleged Sinking of the HMS Ark Royal cast iron Medal.
102918 | GERMANY & the ENTENTE. Conditions of Armistice cast bronze Medal.
102919 | GERMANY & FRANCE. Black Shame/Watch on the Rhine cast bronze Medal.
102617 | GERMANY. "The Lunatics in Gallipoli" cast bronze Medal.
102636 | GERMANY. Sinking of the RMS Lusitania cast bronze Medal.
103027 | GERMANY, UNITED STATES & JAPAN. Europe's Suicide cast iron Medal.
102887 | GERMANY. Bavarians in the World War uniface cast bronze Medal.
102790 | UNITED STATES & GERMANY. Woodrow Wilson cast bronze Medal.